Remember the critique of open-source software (which is completely true, btw): you may have the ability to edit the code in theory, but how many people actually feel comfortable editing it in practice?
(not many, because Linux/Chromium/etc code is way too long, it's not at hand in the UI, it requires a recompile, it requires specialized programming knowledge, it's not socially normal, …)
I think a very similar critique still applies here: you may have the ability to edit the system core in theory, but how many people do it in practice?
(not many, because you don't have the tacit knowledge to change things, you're worried about breaking stuff because it's a shared space / because you don't have confidence in your stake there, you don't want to invest too much into something that isn't yours, you don't have the unbounded time to experiment and learn, …)
somewhat ironic that as the system has gotten technically easier to edit (they eliminated the engine, which moves things like GPU interface and fiducial recognition into 'user space' on the table & out of git repo / monolithic shared library / laptop space), the set of people editing it seems to have shrunk even further to 1-2