Bell System

Profile for Omar Rizwan. Username @omar, Role: admin


"The program should, in some way, expand the concept of what computer paint programs are, as well as what mark making can be."

Joined on Dec, 2022. 785 posts. Followed by 291. Following 150.

Recent posts

Omar Rizwan . @omar,

"heating is really easy, and cooling is really hard, which is a general unfortunate engineering reality of all systems"

Open thread
Omar Rizwan . @omar,

remembering when my code worked on Linux (radio) but not on macOS (my laptop) because I forgot to initialize a pthread_mutex_t, which apparently means the mutex still blocks properly on Linux but it doesn't do anything on macOS

Open thread
Omar Rizwan . @omar,

sort of annoying realization that the Tcl notion of immutability is not really the same as the thread-safe notion of immutability -- Tcl immutability still lets you arbitrarily shimmer the internal representation of a value so you can efficiently operate on it (as long as the value would still serialize to the same string), which is obviously not thread-safe

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