Remember the critique of open-source software (which is completely true, btw): you may have the ability to edit the code in theory, but how many people actually feel comfortable editing it in practice?
(not many, because Linux/Chromium/etc code is way too long, it's not at hand in the UI, it requires a recompile, it requires specialized programming knowledge, it's not socially normal, …)
@omar in practice I'd be guessing mainly Emacs and Smalltalk users
@PaniczGodek I don't really edit the source code of my Emacs or packages (with maybe 1 or 2 exceptions over the last 13 years or so), but I do write 'mixins' into it like a lot of people do, which is pretty good compared to anything else
@omar yeah and the source of Emacs itself is more accessible than almost anything else, so you can go and read it to figure out how thjngs work, even if you don't modify it