(I'm sure people who've actually used CAD software know this:)
I have mechanical design friends who know this but I'm not sure they quite understand how much it really is programming
I'd love to see 3d parametric CAD tool that exposes parallel GUI/text representations, so you can build something up like in F360 but then refactor in text for robustness. E.g. change a manual face selection by a snippet that expresses something like "uppermost face added by operation XYZ"
@s_ol yeah -- there are deep advantages to both direct and text representations -- reminds me of the Sketch-n-Sketch work (although that's more like 2D SVG medium) if you haven't seen that https://ravichugh.github.io/sketch-n-sketch/
@omar@social.omar.website only tangentially related, but nanDeck (software for generating components for board games) has a very similar system where there's a visual editor and a code representation of whatever thing you're making in the visual editor that you can freely modify in both directions (https://www.nandeck.com/examples)