Bell System

Omar Rizwan . @omar,

so much of using any tool on the computer is just about struggling to select the object that you want to operate on

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Omar Rizwan . @omar,

especially if you're not familiar with the local toolset of how to select things quickly/fluently (was thinking about this a lot when picking up CAD today)

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Omar Rizwan . @omar,

I wonder if there's a "cooperative principle" like way of understanding selection that a computer could implement

'the user clicked this 2D point in this complex 3D scene onscreen, what object did they mean to select? well, if they really wanted the big box that covers half the screen, they could have clicked in a more open area, so they probably meant to select the tiny widget that is only really clickable/visible around here'

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Omar Rizwan . @omar,

kinda an AI or NLP type of problem where the tool might have to understand the user's mental model and intent and physical constraints to some level

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