Bell System

Omar Rizwan . @omar,

feel like there would be much less of a role for Raspberry Pis/SBCs if smartphones were actually programmable and reusable, but they just... aren't, somehow

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Omar Rizwan . @omar,

smartphones solve a lot of the problems that every Pi project seems to encounter, where it's really hard to keep a Pi powered (especially higher-end boards that have more compute), the Pi is kind of bulky, no case or sensors or display out of the box, etc

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Omar Rizwan . @omar,

problems with smartphones remind me of problems CDG had with using Mac minis or iMacs for physical computing/kiosks, or problems I've had trying to do interesting stuff on the Web platform

where you can theoretically make it work, there often is no *big* barrier, but there is a pileup of tons of little barriers from the consumer hardware and software (it always wants to autoupdate, there are modals, it has security controls on peripherals and persistent state, etc)

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Joël Franušić . @jpf,

@omar I honestly struggle to think of any system that is immune from this pileup of barriers. Every system I use requires some level of ongoing maintenance that gets in the way of what I really want to do. I wonder if this is part of what people find appealing about retro gaming? You plug in the cartridge, power on the system, and play the game.

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