Bell System

Profile for Omar Rizwan. Username @omar, Role: admin


"The program should, in some way, expand the concept of what computer paint programs are, as well as what mark making can be."

Joined on Dec, 2022. 782 posts. Followed by 287. Following 148.

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Omar Rizwan . @omar,

(I'm sure people who've actually used CAD software know this:)

Open thread
Omar Rizwan . @omar,

my current understanding is that both clang and gcc basically support nested functions / closures but with different and incompatible syntax and implementation… wonder if people ever just ifdef between them

Open thread
Omar Rizwan . @omar,

initialization is often a place where you want to break the 'normal rules' (of concurrency, process management, error handling), just write everything imperative style and not have a bunch of callbacks/indentation/try-catch/synchronization

Open thread