Bell System

Profile for Omar Rizwan. Username @omar, Role: admin


"The program should, in some way, expand the concept of what computer paint programs are, as well as what mark making can be."

Joined on Dec, 2022. 746 posts. Followed by 260. Following 140.

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Omar Rizwan . @omar,
boring meta Toggle visibility

i upgraded my GoToSocial so now i have bookmarks and video :0

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Omar Rizwan . @omar,

i still find integer indices a lot easier to think about than iterators for some reason

Open thread
Omar Rizwan . @omar,

today we found that the reason(?) their radio drifts out of sync may be that they're using arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc 7.2.1 and I'm using arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc 8.3.0 <_>

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